ONE -1Brahma - the Creator/ Vishnu - the Preserver/ Shambu-the Destroyer.
The crow lost one eye.
Ravana gave one month notice to Sita.
Sita had one braid of matted hair in Ashok vatika.
TWO -2
Brothers: Vali and Sugriva/ Nal and Neel/ Jay and Vijay/ Hiranayakasipu and Hiranyaksa/ Pratapbhanu and Arimardan/ Luv and Kush.
Kings: Dashrath and Janak / Wives: Diti and Aditi wives of sage Kashyap .
Agony: By other living being/ From natural cause / Mental distemper
Error: Thought / Word / Deed
Indigence- Poverty of: Body / Men / Means
Listeners: Liberated Souls/ Seekers of Liberation/ Sensually Minded Men
Sorrow: Birth / Death / Old age
Queens: Kaushalya/ Sumitra /Kaikeyee
Brothers: Khar/ Dusana / Trisira
Breeze: Cool/ Soft/ Fragrance
Pairs: Ears
Spheres: Lok: Heaven/ Earth/ Sub-terranean region.
Time: Past/ Present/ Future
Human Beings: Sensual/ Seeker/ Wise
Gunas: Sattva/ Rajas/ Tamas
Trikoot: A three peaked mountain
Triveni: Ganga/ Yamuna/ Saraswati
Types of Men: Like Rose, gives flowers/ Like Mango, gives flowers and fruit/ Like Bread Tree yields fruit only.
Arms: Vishnu/ Faces: Brahma.
Gates: Lanka had four gates.
Ghats: 1.Bhusundi and Garuda/ 2.Shiva and Parvati/ 3.Yajvalkya and Haridwar/ 4.Tulsi and Saints.
Stages of Life: Brahmacharya/ Grahasthya / Vanaprastha / Sanyasa
Consciousness: States: Waking/ Dream / Sound sleep/ Absorption into Brahma
Devotees: Aarat-Arta / Jigyasu / Arthatrhi / Gyani
Food: Directly Swallowed/ Masticated/ Licked/ Sucked
Persuasion: Sama / Dana / Bheda / Danda
Prizes: Religious Merits/ World riches/ Sensuous enjoyment/ Knowledge of God
Vedas: Rig /Atharv/ Sam / Yajur
Yug: Satyayug / Tretayug/ Dvaparyug/ Kaliyug
Sons: Ram/ Lakshman/ Bharat / Shatrughana
Limbs of Army: Foot/ Horse/ Elephant/ Chariots
Fruits: Dharm/ Arth/ Kam/ Moksh
Cupid: Arrows
Kamdev Flowers: 1.White Lotus/ 2.Ashoka / 3.Mango Blossom/ 4.Jasmine/ 5.Blue Lotus
Flavours: 1.Pungent/ 2.Sweet/ 3.Sour/ 4.Bitter/ 5.Salty
Music : 1.Vina / 2.Clapping of hands/3. Clashing of a pair of cymbals/ 4.Beating of a kettledrum /5. Blowing of a trumpet of any other wind instruments.
Madhupark: Composed : 1. Curd/ 2. Butter/ 3. Water/ 4. Honey / 5. Sugar
Niyam : Religious Observations
1.Shauch / 2. Santosha / 3. Tapas/ 4.Swadhyaya /5. Ishwara – Pranidhana (self-surrender)
Sounds: 1.Vedadhvani/ 2. Vandidhvani / 3.Javodhvani/ 4.Shankhadhvani/ 5.Dundubhidhvani
Self-restraint: 1.Ahinsa / 2.Satya / 3. Brahmcharya / 4.Aparigarh/ 5.Astya
Elements of Body: 1.Earth/ 2.Water/3. Fire/ 4.Ether/ 5. Air
Faces: Shiva
Calamities: 1. Excessive rain/ 2. Drought/ 3. Rats/ 4. Locust/ 5. Parrots/6. Invasion by a neighbouring king.
Seasons:1. Vasant-Spring/ 2.Greeshma-Summer/ 3.Paavas-Rainy/ 4.Sharad-Autumn/ 5.Hemant-Winter / 6.Shishir-Winter .
Heads: Kartikeya
Passions: Vikar:1. Lust/2. Anger/ 3.Greed/ 4.Infatuation/ 5. Pride/ 6.Jealousy.
State: Must have seven limbs:
1.A sovereign/2. A minister/ 3.Allies/ 4.A treasury/5. A principality or dominion/ 6.A fortress/ 7.An army.
Yoga: 1. Anima/ 2. Mahima / 3. Grima/ 4. Langhima/ 5. Prapty/ 6. Prakamya/ 7. Isitva/ 8. Vashtiva
Eyes : Brahma
1. Fellowship with the saints/ 2.Fondness for Lord’s stories/ 3.Humble service of the lotus feet 4.Singing praises with a guileless purpose/
5. Muttering Lord’s name/ 6.Practice of self-control and virtue/
7. See the world full of Lord/ 8.Content with whatever one gets /
9. One should be guileless and straight in one’s dealings with everybody.
Navdha Bhakti
1. Hearing of the Lord’s praises and stories/ 2. Kirtana-Chanting His name/
3. Smarna-Fixing one’s thought on Him/ 4. Padmaseva-Adoring His feet; 5. Archana- Worshipping an image of the Lord/ 6. Vandana- Making obeisance to Him/ 7. Dasya-Offering devout service to the Lord/
8. Sakhya- Cultivating friendship with Him;
9. Atmanivedana- Offering oneself to the Lord.
Date of Rama’s birth
Tulsidas started writing Ramayana on ninth of lunar month of Chaitra.
Guardians of ten quarters:
1. East-Indra the lord of celestials/ 2. South-East-Agni (fire-god);
3. South- Yama (the god disperising the fruit of one’s evil actions)’;
4. South-West- Nirvti (the god of death)/ 5.West-Varuna (the god of water);
6. North-west-Vayu( the wind god )/ 7. North- Kubera–(the god of Riches);
8. North-East- Isana (Siva)/ 9. The Upper Region- Brahma the Creator;
10. The Lower Region-Ananta (The Serpent–god ).
1.Fish/ 2.Turtle/ 3.Boar/ 4.Nrisimh-half-lion and half -Man/ 5.Vaman/ 6.Parshuram/ 7.Rama/. Krishan/ 9.Buddha and10. Kalki
Musical Instruments
1.Bells/ 2. Claiornets./ 3.Conch/ 4.Cymbals/ 5.Drum/ 6.Kettledrum/ 7.Lute/ 8.Mridang / 9.Sehanai/ 10.Tabors.
Heads, Shoulders and Faces of Ravana
1 Sringar- Love/ 2. Hasya– Humour/ 3.Karuna– Pathetic/ 4.Veer -Heroic/ 5.Raudra -Wrath 6. Bhayanak -Terror/ 7.Bibhatas -Disgust/ 8.Shanta- Quietism/9.Adbhuta-Marvellous/10.Vatsalya –Love of a child
Prajapati: 1.Atri/ 2. Angira/ 3. Bhrigu/ 4.Daksha/ 5.Gautam/ 6.Kashyap/7. Kratu/ 8.Kardam/9. Kumhar/ 10. Marich/ 11. Narada/ 12.Prahlada/ 13. Pulastya/ 14. Pulah/ 15.Vasishta
Ravana was killed on tenth
Yojan: Lanka-broad
Eyes: Kartikey
Months: Indian calendar
1.Chaitra-March-April/ 2.Vaishakh-April-May/ 3.Jyeshtha-May-June/ 4.Ashadha-June-July/ 5.Shravana-July-August/ 6.Bhadrapada-August-September/ 7. Ashvina-September-October / 8.Kartika-October-November/ 9.Marg Sheersha-November-December/ 10.Pausha-December-January/ 11Magha-January-February/12.Phalguna-February-March
Letters-Formula: Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaye
1.Amrit (nectar)/ 2.Vish( poison )/ 3. Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth)/ 4. Dhanvantri doctor of medicine )/ 5.Kamdhenu (cow who gives whatever is asked for) 6.Airawat (elephant of god Indra / 7.Kaustubh Jewels (Vishnu)/ 8.Uchhaishrva (horse)/ 9.Varuni ( Beautiful lady)/ 10.Kalpvriksh (a magical Tree)/ 11.Moon / 12. Precious Gems/ 13/ Shankh/14.Gada
SPHERES: seven higher and seven lower:
Higher spheres are in ascending Order ,
Bhuh, Bhuvan, Svah, Mahah, Janah,Tapah and Satyam
Lower Spheres are in descending order,
Atala,Vitala ,Sutala , Talatala , Mahatala , Rasatala , Patala
EXILED: Years:Ram
Eyes: Shiva
Adornment: Female-Sixteen (Solah Shringar)
1. Rubbing and cleaning the body with unguents/ 2.Ablution/ 3.Putting on a new attire/
4. Dyeing the sides of one’s feet with red lag/ 5.Dressing the hair/
6. Adoring the parting line of the hair with red lead/
7. Painting the forehead with streaks of sandal paste/
8. Dotting the chin with a small black spot /
9. Colouring the palms of one’s hands and the soles of feet with the reddish dye extracting from the leaves of Mehndi plant/
10. An inting one’s body with perfumed unguents/ 11. Adoring the body with bejewelled ornaments;
12. Beautifying the hair etc. with wreaths of flowers;
13. Perfuming and dyeing one’s mouth by chewing betel leaves;
14. Colouring the teeth/ 15.Painting the lips/ 16.Applying collyrium in one’s eyes.
Digits: Moon has sixteen digits.
Worship: Equipage of worship consists of--
1.Asana/ 2. Padya-/ 3. Arghya/4.Snaniya/ 5.Vastra/ 6.Abhushan/ 7.Gandha/ 8. Pushpa/ 9.Dhoop/ 10.Dipa/ 11.Naivedya/ 12.Achamaniya/ 13.Tambola/14. Stava-Path-Singing Praises/ 15.Tarpana/ 16.Namaskara.
Puran: 1.Agni/ 2.Bhagwat/ 3.Bhavishya/ 4.Brahma/ 5.Brahmanda/ 6. Brahmavaivarta/ 7.Garuda/ 8.Vishnu/ 9.Harivama/ 10. Kurma/ 11 Linga/ 12.Markandya/ 13.Matsya/ 14.Narada/ 15.Padma/ 16.Shiva./17. Skanda/ 18.Vayu.
Arms of Ravana/ Eyes of Ravana
Yojan: Lanka-long
Rama flew shafts
Marks:Those on the left are :-
1.A vertical line ( urdhvarekha )/ 2.A Svastika/ 3.A Astakona ( a figure consisting of a pair of squares Intersecting each other / 4.Goddess Lakshmi ( represented by a golden coil describing two and a half concentric circles/ 5.A plough/ 6.A pestle/ 7.A figure of Sesa (the serpent god) / 8.An arrow/ 9.The sky ( represented by a cipher )/ 10.A Lotus/ 11.A chariot /
12.A thunderbolt/13.A grain of barley/ 14.The wish - yielding tree in heaven/ 15 .A goad/ 16.A flag/ 17.A crown/ 18.The discuss ( Sudarsana )/ 19.A throne/ 20.The staff of Yama
( the god of death )/ 21.A chorie/ 22.An umbrella/ 23.A human figure/ 24.A wreath of victory placed by a bride round the neck of the suitor of her choice.
Borne on the right sole are:-
1.The river Sarayu/ 2.A cow’s hoof/ 3.The earth/ 4.A pitcher/ 5.A small flag/ 6.A Jambu fruit - the black Plum )/ 7.The crescent/ 8.A conch shell/ 9.A Satkona (a figure consisting of a pair of Triangle Intersecting each other)/ 10.A triangle/ 11.A mace/ 12. A Jiva or the individual soul ( represented by a point illustrating its atomic size)/ 13.Vindu ( a point )/ 14.Sakti ( represented by a semi-circle and forming the base of the vindu )/ 15 .Reservoir of nectar/16.Three horizontal lines like the folds of the belly/ 17. A fish/ 18.The full moon/
19.A lute/20. A flute/ 21.A bow/ 22.A quiver/ 23.A swan/ 24.An ornament for the head of a lady.
FORTY-NINE (Unchaas)-49 (some of them)
Winds :Maruts: Storms-Tornado/ Ice storm/ Fire storm/ Snow storm/ Gale storm/ Blizzard storm/ Sand storm/ Ocean storm/ Squall storm/ Thunder storm/ Tropical cyclone/ Wind storm/ Dust devil/ Heat storm/ Salt storm/ Super storm
Wind Deities: Asuras(Vrtra)/ Ashvins/ Agni/ Adiyate/ Devas/ Indra/ Mitra/ (Varnna)/ Marichi/ Rudras/ Rbhus/ Sadhyas/ Soma/ Visedevas.
Sixty Four-64----Jogini: Attendants of Durga.
One Hundred-100----Years: Uma lived on vegetables.
One Hundred Eight:----Upanishada: Sanskrit Treaties
One Thousand -1,000---Headed serpent Sesnaag/ Years: Uma lived on roots and fruits.
Three Thousand-3,000---Years: Uma maintained on leaves of Bela tree.
Six Thousand-6,000---Years: Manu and Satrupa lived on water.
Ten Thousand-10,000-Adorned elephants-King Janak gave as dowry/ Kings tried to raise the bow/ Years: Manu and Satarupa remained standing on one leg.
Twenty Five Thousand-25,000—Chariots-King Janak gave as dowry.
Eighty Seven Thousand-87,000
Years: Shambu (emerged from his trance) came to the waking state.
One Million-1,00,000---Horses-King Janak gave as dowry.
Eighty-four Lakhs-84,00,000
Species:Classified four divisions, inhabit land, water and the air
1. Jarayauja-Viviparus-Land-Men and Beasts/ 2.Audaja-Water-Oviparous
3. Svedaja-Born of sweat as lice,bugs/ 4. Udbhija- Sprouting of plants.
Reference: Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas / Ramayana by Valmiki/ Dictionaries/ and other sources.